Normal is Merely Average:

Normal is Merely Average:

I took a graduate class called “The Psychology of Excellence,” and clearly, I had minor adrenaline rushes throughout the semester based simply on the name. But when our professor played a Ted Talk by Shawn Achor, my mind began running even more. Achor discussed the...

Welcome, 2013.

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and are looking forward to making 2013 a year of True Greatness. As this New Year quickly approaches, I wanted to send a message of both encouragement and challenge in the wake of what has proved to be a turbulent year for...

My Life and Journey to the Rocky Mountains

I grew up in a small town in northeastern, PA where I played soccer (LOTS of it), interacted with the family McDonald’s franchise business, and had my own livestock business where I raised, marketed, and sold hogs, lambs, and Bichon Frise dogs. I have an incredible...


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