Essential Matters

Essential Matters

There’s an essence of life that I think is completely underrated.  It’s not the overtly known facts nor the general statistics, but rather the essential matters.  It’s sort of like the difference between quantitative and qualitative research; the quant can give you...
Essential Matters

Find Yourself. Find Your Passion.

I was recently asked how one might come to know his passion. Passion is inextricably linked to understanding one’s self.  Knowing ourselves in an intimate way leads to confident decision-making that aligns not only with our values but also with whom we believe...
Essential Matters

Why Leadership?

At the core of personal identity work is this concept of leadership; personal leadership that ultimate leads to the capabilities to lead others. My heart beats for our athletic community because I see this as a massive breeding ground for revolutionary leaders in our...
Essential Matters

Normal is Merely Average:

I took a graduate class called “The Psychology of Excellence,” and clearly, I had minor adrenaline rushes throughout the semester based simply on the name. But when our professor played a Ted Talk by Shawn Achor, my mind began running even more. Achor discussed the...

Welcome, 2013.

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and are looking forward to making 2013 a year of True Greatness. As this New Year quickly approaches, I wanted to send a message of both encouragement and challenge in the wake of what has proved to be a turbulent year for...


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